Whip up tomato-inspired text templates and pop them into your messages using quick and easy shortcuts


Create custom, personalized, ripe, and flavorful templates:

Are you often repeating identical responses to frequently asked questions? Tomato Templates enable you to address common inquiries within a split second.

Furthermore, you can incorporate personalized variables, like the recipient's first name, to add a personal touch to your messages.


Utilize pre-designed text snippets swiftly using keyboard shortcuts:

You can assign keyboard shortcuts to predefined text snippets. To incorporate a snippet, simply enter its designated shortcut and then press the TAB key.

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You and your team can collaborate on templates and share the Tomato goodness:

When everyone on the team has to write the same answers, it takes a lot of time and can be boring. Tomato lets your team share and sync templates, so everyone can work together smoothly.



Need to add another Section like the ones laid out above. This section needs to be added below the “Utilize pre-designed text snippets swiftly using keyboard shortcuts:” Section and before the pricing.


Pick a plan from our patch:

Tomato can be downloaded for free, or you can purchase Tomato’s premium plan and squeeze more out of Tomato!



Free: 1 account and 30 templates included.

Premium plan of $5/month ($60/year): Unlimited people, Unlimited Templates, and Share fruitfully with your team.

View Pricing Plans



Choose between our free plan and our premium plan to get all the juice out of Tomato!


$ 00.00

Upgrade Plan
  • 1 Person
  • 30 Templates
  • $ 0

$ 5.00 / per month

Upgrade Plan
  • Unlimited People
  • Unlimited Templates
  • Team Shared Templates
  • $ 7 / person per month

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